Sunday, September 20, 2009

Search, not *be* searched!

Most people don't really think about the amount of information they give up when the sit down in front of their computer (or use their mobile device) to find information.  Maybe you have an ailment and want more information on it and possible remedies.  Looking for a home security solution.  Want to open an on-line financial account?  Start typing search terms into your favorite search site and these bits of information start building up a profile of you as a person and a consumer.  Companies like Google and Microsoft capture this information from your search sessions (your Internet address, what you search for, what links you click, what you search for next that might be related, etc.), aggregate this information, and sell it to marketing companies.  This is how they make their money.  In the process, they create a centralized database which contains a great deal of information about each person that uses their service.  The more information they obtain, the more money they make.  Conflict of interest?  Um....

Ixquick is the stand-out.  They are a European company who decided they would be different, and not collect private information about their users.  As a result, they are the search option (and, so far as I know, the only option) for those of us who want to keep our private information...private.

Find out more about how they protect their users' privacy here:

Search here:

If you're concerned about people evesdropping on your searches (ex., at a wireless hotspot or when using your wireless mobile device), use the secure encrypted search page:

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